Academic Advising helps you develop your individualized path. Learn benefits of meeting with an Advisor and key questions to ask.
Our hunch is that you’d love to graduate on time, if not early. One small habit to support this goal is to meet with your academic advisor each semester.
“We found a positive correlation between advising and persistence across the vast majority of our study institutions and cohorts.”
So, how exactly does meeting with an Advisor benefit you?
Advisors have the knowledge and expertise to guide you each semester with your degree plan and course selection strategy, and with sharing resources that may benefit you.
Advisors help you make informed decisions on common topics like changing majors, add/drop policies, and navigating course challenges.
Meeting with your Advisor can help you avoid mistakes with course planning. Lengthening your graduation timeline can cost you thousands of dollars!
Prioritize meeting with your Academic Advisor each semester to stay on track with registration, program requirements, and gain a sense of validation as you discuss your progress toward your degree!
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