5 Mid-Term Prep Strategies

Feb 2

Creating a plan to prep for mid-terms is a critical for success. Here are 5 strategies to help.

What does success with midterms and completing a marathon have in common? Planning!  
You can imagine how difficult 26.2 miles would be without preparation! Not because it’s unachievable, but because you’re not ready; you haven’t put in the consistent training week after week. The same applies to how you approach your midterms. Planning helps build momentum, consistency, and reduces the uncertainty of how you’ll perform.  
Planning can be hard given your day to day, and while cramming might feel like the only option at times, take a quick pause to think about your future self – how will that all-nighter feel? Will it set you up for success the way planning would?  
Consider ultra-marathon runner, Robin Arzon’s wise words “Don’t let the crown slip.” 

In Need of Suggestions to Help with Planning?

  1. Write down in your calendar, or add in your phone, every midterm exam date (find these dates in the syllabus!). 
  2. Organize yourself with what you’ve covered so far in the term — study guides, slide decks, assignments, videos, and articles. This will help you gauge your confidence with the material and allow you to estimate how much study time you may need for each course. 
  3. Ask your instructor what you can expect on the exam, if they have any suggestions for how to best prepare, and how the test will be formatted. 
  4. Start scheduling study blocks for each course, including short breaks, a few weeks leading up to the exam. Consider creating a 2 week mid-term prep calendar.  
  5. Communicate with roommates, friends, family, and partners — let them know your study schedule to help reduce distractions and support accountability.  
Your Two-Week Calendar

Follow these steps to complete a two-week action plan.

1. Choose a calendar format. Options include your digital calendar, a planner, a desktop or wall calendar, or an app on your phone.
2. Get your to-do list in hand.
3. Assign the items for your to-do list to a day in the upcoming weeks.
Tips for Success:
  • Choose a day – to create an action planning routine, decide on a specific day and time each week to complete your plan and check on your progress. Many people choose a time on Sunday because it’s before the start of the week and you may have a little more time to reflect on what’s on your horizon. 
  • Create early deadlines – give yourself early deadlines for important items so that if something takes more time, you’ll have a buffer to still meet the deadline. 
  • Make it manageable – try to limit the amount of tasks you assign to any given day. 
  • Adjust as needed – accept that you may not complete all of your tasks. Do your best to complete the important ones and otherwise adjust your plan to what is realistic.