9 Reasons Why Coding Bootcamps Are Worth Attending

Setting out on a new adventure can be scary, and you may have many questions before getting started. Choosing to attend a coding bootcamp is no different. Are coding bootcamps worth it? How much do they cost? Do employers find them credible?

Rather than spending four years at a traditional four-year college, bootcamps and accelerated learning programs help you gain the skills you need to launch into a rewarding career or develop your current career further.

Below we’ll share the benefits of bootcamps and how you can find the right one to help you succeed.  

Why attend a coding bootcamp? 

There are many reasons to consider a coding bootcamp:  

  • You need a professional reboot – you’re at an undesirable job and need to change. Your career isn’t what you thought it would be, and you’re weighing different options to increase your professional experiences so you can dive into something new. 
  • You’re at a crossroads – you have a job and may enjoy it, but you’re ready for a change. You’ve heard on the news, through friends, or on social media that there are bootcamp programs where you can rapidly learn an in-demand skill in just a few months. 
  • You’re ready to level up – you have an undergraduate degree in your field and love your industry. Still, there are emerging skills or languages you still need to learn and new jobs requiring them. To keep up with the job market and to further your career potential, you need those skills – fast. 
  • You’re looking for a push – your professional journey isn’t progressing as quickly as you want, and you’re looking for a change. You’ve heard about the power of bootcamps to accelerate careers and want to learn more. 
  • You love coding – you’ve coded programs for fun in your free time. Maybe you’ve played around with computers to see what they could do. Now is the chance to take that love of coding and turn it into a lucrative career.  

What are the benefits of a coding bootcamp? 

There are many reasons you may consider attending a coding bootcamp, but are they true? Yes! Explore the benefits of a coding bootcamp.

1. Accessibility

Some college and degree programs are hard to get into, plus many are only available at specific colleges. Bootcamps are more accessible; not only are there bootcamp programs everywhere, but most are online.

2. Flexibility

Coding bootcamps are one of the most flexible ways to learn how to code out there. If you have a job or other family responsibilities, you can take bootcamp classes part-time, so you’re not overloaded. However, you can also take bootcamp classes full-time and graduate sooner. 

There’s also flexibility in how you complete them. You can do online courses if you’re a self-starter who loves to dig into new material on your own time. There’s also the option of taking classes in person if you learn better in a classroom setting. There may even be a hybrid choice where you take some classes online and some in person.

There’s a class and schedule for you regardless of personal commitments. If you need help deciding what to choose, explore our Bootcamp Finder to help you evaluate different schools and programs based on your preferences.

3. Innovative Payment Options

Many bootcamps offer flexible repayment options. Schools understand that most students might not be able to cover the program’s cost upfront until they graduate and find a job. Check with your school to see what payment and financing options are available to you.

If you’re currently employed, check with your employer, too. Some companies offer tuition reimbursement for those looking to gain new skills for their current role.

4. Practical Skills

Another benefit to coding bootcamps is that you learn real-world skills right away compared to attending a four-year degree program. You’ll need to take many prerequisite classes at a traditional college or university before learning the skills required to succeed in a future career.

Coding bootcamps teach practical skills you can apply on your first day on the job.

5. Coding Bootcamps Can Help with Getting a Job

Many bootcamp schools are invested in your future success. They will actively prepare you for the job search with mock interviews, resume help, and more. You might also get access to a bootcamp’s active alum network, which can be valuable when landing a job.

Schools often work directly with employers to help them find qualified job candidates. While doing your research, explore the school’s resources and career services.

6. Employers Like Coding Bootcamps

Graduates of coding bootcamp programs are sought out in the job market because they learn new languages and software in school. According to Course Report, 79% of bootcamp graduates surveyed find a job requiring the skills they learned at a bootcamp.

7. More Affordable Than College

College costs an average of $39,723 per year for a private college, $22,952 for out-of-state public college, and $10,423 for in-state college. Bootcamps are much more affordable. Best Colleges reports that the average cost of a coding bootcamp is $13,580. However, full-time and in-person students may pay a little more than part-time online students.

The average cost for part-time students in 2021 was $12,265. Full-time students’ tuition was an average of $14,605. Students who chose online courses only spent an average of $12,794, while in-person students paid an average of $13,824.

8. Shorter Time Investment

Unlike four-year colleges, bootcamps can be completed within 13 weeks. Some programs can take longer. It depends on your chosen program and whether you decide to go full-time. Part-time programs tend to take longer than full-time.

9. Low Risk

Coding bootcamps take much less time to complete. You could be well on your way to a new career within a year or less. Not only that, you’ll learn a skill that continues to grow in demand. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that IT and coding jobs are expected to increase by 15% from 2021-2031.  

What happens after the program? 

So, what happens after you graduate? Many bootcamps have employment coaches that help you find work after graduation. Even more, after your program ends, you’ll be among the best new minds in the industry.

Networking is key in the tech industry, and after spending every day for several months with a group of people, they will become your best advocates. 

Are coding bootcamps worth it? 

So, are coding bootcamps worth it? They can be valuable for your future if you find the right bootcamp program and have the commitment, drive, and discipline to complete a coding bootcamp. Completing a bootcamp can help you get the job you want if you’re new to coding or help you get that promotion you’ve been eyeing if you’re already in the industry. 

Gaining new skills can help you achieve the personal and professional goals you’ve set for yourself.

We want to help you complete your education and achieve your career goals. Suppose you’ve decided it’s time to take the leap and attend a coding bootcamp; look at our tips on bootcamps and how to prepare for a bootcamp. You can also visit our blog for more resources to help you succeed in your bootcamp journey. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Here are some frequently asked questions about bootcamps and their respective answers.  

Are coding bootcamps hard? 

Bootcamps are more intense rather than difficult. You’re learning an entirely new subject quickly, so the courses are often challenging. That’s not to say they’re impossible. 

You can be successful at a coding bootcamp if you choose one that fits your learning style and pace.  

Can you do a coding bootcamp with no experience? 

Yes, you can. There are different bootcamp programs for all learning levels. There are programs for people who’ve never coded anything in their life and programs for students with little knowledge of the subject. 

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