5 Tips on How to Have a Productive Summer

Summer is a great time to relax and give yourself a break from school. Now that you have more time on your hands, you can make some fun summer plans like hanging out with friends and going to the beach. Did you know you could also use the extra time to better prepare for your future career? We’re here to show you how you can have some summer fun while getting ahead in your college journey.

1. Internships

Summer internships are the perfect way to test drive a job in an industry that you’re excited about; and they’re offered in about every field imaginable from finance to social work. They can even lay the groundwork for a job after college with the same employer.

Some internships are paid and some are not. Remember, the experience may be worth the effort regardless of getting a paycheck.

TIP: Informational interviews with established professionals in your area of interest or target company can be a great way for you to establish name recognition, interest and build relationships that can be called upon in the future.

2. Summer Jobs

Balancing a job while in school can be quite challenging. Summer is a great time to get a part-time job, whether or not you worked during the school year. A summer job is a great opportunity to earn some extra money while adding experience to your resume. Additionally, you could develop important life and job-related skills, such as money management, communication, and teamwork. At the end of the your summer job, you may even have some professional connections and reference you may leverage in the future.

3. Summer Classes

Summer school isn’t a bad thing anymore! It can be a perfect way to save money. Summer classes at your school may be less expensive than fall or spring classes. Online classes or courses at a community college might be a more cost effective alternative for you to earn college credits as well.

While you’re not making money attending summer school, the overall cost savings of their college education is just as important. Remember that you should always verify first that credits taken at another school will be accepted by your college.

4. Study Abroad

You can participate in short-term study abroad programs. The length of these trips usually range between one to six weeks, but some can be for the entire summer. This is a great option if you want to travel, but don’t want to be away from home that long or can’t afford a longer study abroad experience. By studying abroad, you may learn valuable skills during your journey like cultural awareness, adaptability and responsibility.

5. Volunteering

Though you won’t make any money by volunteering, you can gain valuable experience by volunteering your time to causes close to their hearts or aligned with your career goals. Volunteering can make you more well-rounded and help you stand out against other applicants when you are looking for a job after graduation.

TIP: Look for large-scale events, which often require a large volunteer force to execute; these can often offer lots of networking opportunities.

No matter what you do this summer, remember that it shouldn’t be all work and no play. Having a productive summer is important, but giving the mind a break by striking a balance between fun and work is important too!

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